Davidoff Nicaragua stimulates in both a sweet and bitter way. The cigar offers intense flavours typical for Nicaraguan cigars combined with the perfect construction and balance of a Davidoff cigar. The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema brings new peaks of palate stimulation with intense notes.
FIRST THIRD - Spice, Wood, Caramel.
SECOND THIRD - Roasted coffee, Cream, Dark chocolate.
THIRD THIRD - Leather, Spice, White pepper.
Please note that, in compliance with Canadian law, cigars may arrive in plain packaging. Rest assured, all cigars are authentic and of the highest quality.
Nicaragua Diadema
Out of Stock
Name Nicaragua Diadema
Vitola Diademas
Ring Guauge 50
Lenght (inch) 6 1/2"
Weight (grams) Strength Full Enjoyment time (mins) 70-85 Country of Origin Nicaragua